So first up, the all important bag. This is the baby I'm carrying round on a day to day basis at the moment...
I got it from Accessorize for a bargainous £8.40 in the sale. My mum bought the same one - we match! I love it because it's big enough to fit everything I need, but is still pretty light. I don't know about you, but I find some bags are just so heavy before you even put anything in them, so once you have got all your things in it, they're just ridiculous.
Here's what I have in my bag at the moment. I didn't realise I carried so much 'stuff' around with me all the time - and this is on a good day!
So I have some random essentials - I usually keep these in the little pocket on the inside. Tissues, hairbands, chewing gun, paracetamol, lipgloss and lip balm. I love cute little packets of tissues like this one :-)
Then we have the three items I never leave the house without - my Accessorize purse, iPhone and keys (complete with Tesco clubcard!). I literally couldn't live without my iPhone - I don't know how I used to function without it!
My iPod and pass holder with my Young Persons Railcard and Oyster card are always in my bag. I always need them on the tube/train/bus, so rather than have to remember them everytime, it's just easier if I always have them with me.
Looking in my bag it seems I'm prepared for all weathers! I've got my leopard print umbrella which I got in my goodie bag at The Look Show, some fingerless gloves from Primarni and sunnies from Dorothy Perkins. Come rain, cold or sunshine, I'm ready!
Last but not least, I might have been a little bit naughty as in the front pocket I appear to have a half eaten packet of Skittles (better than an empty packet I guess!).
So that's what I have in my bag :-) It's pretty tidy for me - no random receipts or half empty water bottles like there normally are! I might do another one of these posts in a couple of months time if I change things up at all.
If you've done a 'What's In My Bag' video or blog post, link me up :-D