Saturday 12 February 2011

Alphabet of Love! M-S...

Hi ladies,

Sorry for the lack of posts this week - it's been a rather hectic few days in the life of Erin. To sum it up, I had a second interview for a job I REALLY wanted, and I actually got it! I am so happy but so nervous at the same time. In a recent tag post I did (which you can find here) I described my ideal job, and this new job is basically exactly this, so really I couldn't have wished for anything better :-D But now the frantic search begins for a flatshare, as I need to move back to London again.

Anyway, after a busy week, I'be finally managed to put together the third part of my 'Alphabet of Love' series. The first two parts are here and here. So without further ado...


Without doubt the best purchase I've ever made. I just couldn't live without my lovely little macbook. I got it in my final year at university and compared to my old, super slow laptop, I would say that it's genuinely changed my life.


Ok, so this one's quite weird, I admit. I have a slight obsession with baby names! I just find it interesting what names mean, what celebrities call their children and what names go together for siblings. Maybe I shouldn't have admitted that one?.. window shopping

I love a good old bit of surfing my favourite sites to see what goodies I'd like to buy if money was no object. I've bought a few things online but don't tend to do it that often, as for me I like the whole shopping experience and trying things on. But I do like to see what's out there and create my own little wishlists :-)


No, not of the rainy variety. Puddles was the name of my dearest pussy cat who sadly passed away about two years ago. We called him Puds for short.

He lived to 18 years and I'd like to think he had a very happy little life :-) I still miss him all the time though. I don't think people who don't have pets can ever understand how close you can get to them.


I LOVE quizzes. I don't know why really though, as I'm not actually that good at them! My general knowledge is pretty poor, especially geography and history. I tend to do alright on the celebrity, entertainment and music rounds though (no surprise there then!). In my first year at university we used to do the pub quiz every Monday, and those were some of my happiest times :-)

... Revision

Jokes. I HATED revision with a passion. At uni I didn't mind lectures, tutorials, coursework, or actually doing exams themselves. But revision periods were just the worst ever - I could always find something better to do with my time. So for all of you that are revising for school or university - I feel your pain. But believe me it will all be worth it in the end when you can be proud of yourself. Then you can LOVE that it's over!

This picture was taken when I was revision for my finals - hoping that all the contents of my Operations Strategy module would go into my head through some sort of osmosis-like process!


I'm a sucker for cute stationery - I could get lost in Paperchase for hours. Having pretty stationary just makes writing things down so much more fun! And as I'm always writing lists, I go through them really quickly. This is my current notebook - so cute from WHSmith...

Only one more post to go! As i said before, if any of you want to do this tag then go for it - just send me the link so I can check it out :-) You don't have to make it a mega 4-part series like I have!



  1. This is such a cool idea! This list is a really good one. I love thinking of baby names too :) x

  2. He he, I'm glad I'm not the only one! xx

  3. I love online window shopping and cute stationery especially from paperchase xxx
