Saturday 19 June 2010

It's the Final Final Fling

Last night was a monumental occasion - officially my last night out as a student of Aston University :-(

All this week has been what we at Aston call our 'Final Fling' - the last week of term where we have different events every night before heading our different ways for the summer. Only this time we weren't heading different ways for the summer... but forever... (well this may be slightly dramatic but you know what I mean!).

So last night we headed to our Students' Guild, where Tim Westwood(!) was the guest DJ for the night. Here's a close up of me before I went out. Sorry it's black and white and so not that great to see my make up, but I was playing around with PhotoBooth at the time! I used curlers on my hair but went for a more tousled look than tight ringlets.

And here's my outfit. I wore a dress from New Look, that is navy blue at the top with frills, and then the bottom half is a floral print. Some people think it is a skirt and top. I like wearing its cos it's supper comfy, lovely colours and cute and girly. I wore my gladiator type sandals as I wanted to have a good old dance to celebrate my last night at uni, and didn't want any heels to ruin my time with the dancefloor!

I had a great night dancing, drinking and chatting with loads of the amazing people I've met during my time at Aston. When I got home it was time to cut off my Final Fling wristband and, as silly as it sounds, I really didn't want to do it. I've had the most amazing time and can't believe it's finally come to an end.

Thanks Aston. It's been awesome.


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