Saturday 5 June 2010

My Uni Life In Fancy Dress

I'll try and say this without shedding a tear - I now have only a few weeks until I leave university for good (sob!).

Although I'm ready to leave, I've had the time of my life and will always look back with such great memories. So I thought it would be a nice idea to do a couple of blog posts over the next few weeks to take a peek back over my time at Aston.

As the first post, I can't think of a better way to start than with... (drumroll please)... FANCY DRESS!

Anyone who goes to or has been to uni will know that fancy dress is one thing you can't escape... And I LOVE IT!!! It's an excuse to be someone you're not, get creative and in the case of some of my outfits, wear something skimpy you wouldn't dare to wear under normal circumstances!

So, I'll talk you through some of the outfits I have worn over the last four years, finishing off with my favourite three. (I apologise now for dodgy camera work - many of these were taken before starting a blog even entered my thinking, so most are a result of a drunk friend on an awesome night out!).

Well, we have a 'Skool Daze' party every term, so I've been to nearly 10. School uniform is pretty standard and I always wear the same kinds of thing, but maybe mix it up a little with shorts or skirt, vests, accessories etc. I can tell these pics are from different nights cos of the changing hairstyles!

There are a few different ones below...

- First I went for a kind of bat, spider person kinda look for halloween in second year! Don't really know what I was aiming for, but I reckon if you mix a lot of black and purple you can't really go wrong for halloween!

- Then there's me as Pocahontas (sp?) for the 'Fairytale Ball'. I remember this being a real last minute outfit, which involved me running to Birmingham indoor market about 5 minutes before it closed, buying £2 of material and hoping for the best! I think it worked out pretty well in the end!

- The third one was more of a 'challenge' than an event! On cricket tour in Torquay, we each had to find the worst (or should that be best?!) outfit for £5 in a charity shop for 'Bad Shirt Night'! I found this awesome skirt and jacket combo. I felt like Carol Vorderman on Countdown back in the day! And all for just a fiver - bargain!

Here's a two more...

- The first one was for 'Heaven and Hell' night and I went as an angel, although all you can see of my outfit is the fluffy halo! But hey, that was the best bit - I would definitely add it to my everyday wardrobe if I could!

- Every year we have 'Freakers', the sexual fantasy ball - not as kinky as it may sound, I promise! It's one of the biggest nights in Aston's calendar and everyone makes a real effort. This year I went as a sexy policewoman, in a VERY skimpy outfit - much smaller than it looked on ebay... ah well, you're only young once! (And yes, that's my boyfriend in the morphsuit, but the less said about his outfit the better!)

And finally the last two before the big countdown:

- On the left I am dressed as an air hostess for a friend's 'Mile High Club' birthday. In hindsight I now think I looked more like a cleaner...

- On the right is my second year Freakers outfit (see above) which I went to as a footballer / girl in their boyfriend's football shirt! I loved it at the time, but I won't be getting my abs out like that anytime soon - need a few more stomach crunches til that happens again!

So, here goes, now we get to the big three...

My third favourite fancy dress outfit... ARMY!

In first year we wore the army theme for a friend's birthday. I love the army theme for a fancy dress and its perfect for when there's lots of boys and girls, as it suits both sexes. I went for a brown bikini, under a netted top, with combats on the bottom. I think I may have got the facepaints a bit wrong though as I ended up with more tribal stripes than army war paint! Ah well. Another good thing about this outfit was that I got to wear combats and trainers, so it was much easier to bust a few moves on the dancefloor!

My second favourite fancy dress outfit... CAVEGIRLS!

For a friend's birthday we all dressed as Cavegirls. We bought loads of material from the markets in Birmingham city centre and had great fun ripping, cutting and tying our little hearts out! I think cavegirl is such a good outfit cos it is really cheap, and you can go a bit crazy not only with the outfit, but with the hair and make up too.

And finally, my favourite fancy dress outfit.... CHAVS!

In second year we had 'Chav Night' and it was amazing! I wore a velour tracksuit, huge hooped earrings and even had my 'ASBO' round my neck! (I'm third from left). It's my friend Sarah on the left who I think looks amazing though - the gelled-down hair, thick lipliner and teddy for a baby was perfect! You'd be surprised how much people's behaviour changes when you are dressed like this - it all got a bit lairy!

I know my favourite three are quite standard fancy dress outfits, but I had such great fun wearing them that they just had to top the list.

I hope you've enjoyed looking at these pictures - reminiscing has definitely bought a HUGE smile to my face! When I meet up with my friends from university after we leave I am going to ensure it is fancy dress, cos I think I will miss it too much in the 'real world'!

Which of my outfits from the photos is your favourite? Do any of you have any cool fancy dress ideas, or have you worn any in the past?


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